As a responsible steward of our environment, we continuously improve our production processes by minimizing waste, reducing energy consumption and promoting water conservation. We also take part in the Industrial Symbiosis Project, which was launched in April 2021 in the Izmir Region in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Turkey and Izmir Development Agency (İZKA).
Industrial Symbiosis
With this project, it is planned to bring together businesses for the common use of all kinds of resources (especially waste, by-products and technology), to establish cooperation between these businesses, to transform industrial waste into raw materials and to implement an industrial symbiosis model unique to Izmir. The Industrial Symbiosis Project aims to improve human and environmental health and diversify the supply chain relations in the industry sector to increase resilience against disasters by using innovative, environmentally friendly, sustainable industrial symbiosis connections and by reducing the amount of industrial waste. The project also aims to promote gender equality and women's empowerment.